
Buteyko’s Method is most renown in the treatment of asthma, wherein numerous published medical trials have proven its efficacy. But asthma is far from the only health problem that can be reversed with Buteyko’s Method.

The following article explains the rationale behind Buteyko’s Method as being a suitable approach from a diverse range of health problems and includes a partial list.

For a more accurate estimate of if and how your health can be improved with Buteyko’s Method, please contact us for an online assessment.


The Diseases of Civilization



There are some 30,000 diseases known to modern medicine - but a particular category, known as the diseases of civilization” are very closely related to the breathing pattern.

Diseases of civilization are exactly that - diseases which are related to the civilization of man. Naturally there has to be some kind of a genetic predisposition - but this does not explain the cause, as many people have a genetic predisposition to a disease which does not manifest.

Genetic predisposition should not be considered an inevitable conclusion for the manifestation of a particular disease - to the contrary it can only predict a certain reaction to a particular set of circumstances. Just as if my throat it slit I am genetically predisposed to bleed to death - that does not mean that I will bleed to death - unless of course my throat is indeed slit first.  

The list below includes just some of the problems indicative of habitual hyperventilation or over- breathing - and all of them respond positively, usually quite dramatically, to Buteyko’s Method.

A long-standing criticism of Dr. Buteyko by his detractors, was that he claimed his method cured everything - that it was a panacea. But Dr. Buteyko actually claimed that chronic over-breathing only caused a very small percentage of known diseases  - but they are amongst the most common and cause the most suffering for human beings. 

ALL people who suffer the conditions below share one thing in common - they all chronically over breathe - this was Buteyko’s conclusion and at the heart of his theory - but as each individual has a different genetic predisposition, the manifestation of  symptoms will vary accordingly.

For example, one person who “over breathes” may suffer with allergies, and another with insomnia. Furthermore, one type of symptom may be replaced with another - as the organism struggles to defend itself against the accumulated disturbance caused by chronic over-breathing. For example a person may experience a spontaneous remission from asthma, only to develop diabetes - and this is a common enough phenomena.


· allergies
· angina
· anxiety
· apathy
· asthma
· bronchitis
· bronchiecstasis
· breathlessness
· chronic cough
· chronic fatigue
· chest pains
· circulatory problems
· depression
· diabetes
· dizziness
· emphysema
· epilepsy
· fear without reason
· hay fever
· hemorrhoids
· high blood pressure
· heart conditions
· hormonal disorders
· hypoglycemia
· insomnia
· irritability 
· immune deficiency
· impotence
· infertility
· lack of concentration
· loss of feeling in limbs
· menstrual problems 
· migraine
· mental fatigue
· obesity
· panic attacks
· prone to colds & flu
· psoriasis
· racing pulse
· ringing ears
· schizophrenia
· short temper
· sinus 
· sleep apnea
· snoring
· sudden chilling of limbs 
· stress related disorders
· tumors
· tight chest
· varicose veins 
· weight gains

This apparent “laundry list” of diseases can give an initial false impression that Buteyko’s Method is some kind of disingenuous and unlikely panacea.


But an investigation of above mentioned conditions will show that many are very closely related -  as evidenced by the fact that even modern commercial medicine treats their symptoms with either the same or very similar medications.


Severe asthma and diabetes are both treated with hormones - cortico-steroid in the case of asthma and insulin in the case of diabetes. Both conditions although very different share a problem with hormonal imbalance. Vessel dilating or relaxing medications are used for both symptomatic treatment of asthma symptoms as well as the treatment of high blood pressure.


The diseases which have spasaming of vessels at their genesis include angina, asthma, migraine, varicose of veins, hemorrhoids, and circulatory problems such as Reynard's. Over  breathing will have the effect of causing vessels to constrict and spasm, but for one person this may contribute to angina and to another person high blood pressure. The genetic predisposition to a particular defense mechanism against over breathing (so often labeled as a disease) will vary according to the individual.


So before coming to the conclusion that Buteyko’s Method is some sort of mystical cure-all of a dubious rationale, there is much to be gained from understanding the implications of the diseases of civilization and how Buteyko’s Method can be of help.