About Buteyko's Method - a quick introduction.


In the 1950’s a Russian medical scientist by the name of Dr. K.P. Buteyko, discovered a profound link between disease and the way we breathe. 


Very simply, Dr. Buteyko discovered that the occurrence of certain diseases and even the trauma of death itself, is closely related with the amount of air we breathe.


The amount of air we breathe can be measured just like our pulse, blood pressure and temperature. And from such measurements, physiologists derived the optimal amounts or “norms” for the human organism to function.


For example, the “norm” for human body temperature it is 98.6 C, for the pulse it is 60 - 70 beats per minute, for blood pressure it is 120/80 and for the breathing (or respiration) it is 3 - 4 litres per minute. 


Dr. Buteyko’s exhaustive research led him to the immutable conclusion that hundreds of diseases could be scientifically explained as consequences of the organism simply breathing above the physiologically recommended “norm” or optimal amount of 3 - 4 litres per minute.


Dr. Buteyko found that the more above the 3 - 4 litres per minute, the more the disturbance to the organism and subsequent incidence and severity of related disease and poor health. 


It occurred to Dr. Buteyko that if he could retrain the breathing pattern, so that it reverted toward the norm of 3 - 4 litres per minute - he could reverse these related diseases.


Dr. Buteyko did manage to develop a method and a broad range of strategies to normalize the breathing pattern, which proved his ideas, and which over the last 50+ years, has allowed tens of thousands of people to reverse their diseases and attain robust health. This system or approach has become known as Buteyko’s Method.